Monday, May 14, 2007

the castle! (why drinking in japan is awesome)

first, there's the playground. there are stilts and unicycles and merry-go-rounds, and a rope slide...
and then, in the dark, you come to this point on your quest to the castle. everyone falls off this, but generally without injury. james, on the other hand, scraped the living shit out of his knee and spent the next 24hrs with dried blood all over his leg.
and here is the castle! this is navigated through in the dark, which makes it all the more fun since there are random benches, fireman poles, and stairs at every turn. danger=fun.
but, the best part of the castle is this! i call it the mizen mast. it is so nice to take the slide down, then climb into the netting and just relax with the lights of the valley below you. ahh.

i'm not suprised by the color i ended up with, but i don't agree with the discription. while i'd like to think that i'm peaceful and nurturing, apparenlty people find me rather loud and scary at times. hmm...

You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at!


Blogger Mia Gardner said...

ooohh i wanna play!

11:02 PM  

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