they're on the hunt! (they really like the new apt, but I'm sure they really miss having a yard)
he's gonna get you!
we went out with hats!
Dad, Katrina, and Crystal arrived! I took them for a walk in Riverfront park in fabulous Spokane!
The upper falls!

san fran chinese food with mai-tai's!
getting started with a rough day of bbq the day before our graduation ceremony. Since the boys and I had people coming in for our big day, we thought a nice get together with food and local ale would be perfect: and it was!!

Sean's sister, Sarah.
Our graduation was inspired by Bush. Mission Accomplished! Now we just have to take the Bar, find jobs, and pay off ~$150k worth of debt.
Katrina Close-up!
...she's so mysterious!
our token child for the party! She is totally rad and not annoying at all.
it was really cool to meet and spend time with my roommate's families. We all have a lot of people that helped us get through the last three years!

Tyler looking rugged as usual, and his two favorite ladies are looking lovely.
Sean wanted a pinata! it's too perfect! (oh, and Sean pretty much arranged the whole party, which is awesome and just further testament to his super powers)
Pinata must die!
blood is spilt!
she was excited about the candy, but you should have seen everyone else move when all the travel-sized jack daniel's started coming out too! booze in pinata is a great idea! (another Sean jem)
we were all in our own space that morning, i think it's neat to see everyone's candid faces.

this is from very far away (my dad got this camera so he could take pictures of bears, wolves, and moose in the tetons)

oh yeah!! (we couldn't find Tyler for this pic!!) but the four of us had a really good time walking to school together in our gowns. very poignant.

lol, I think Trina was a little grumpy that morning.
bagpipes played when we entered!
focus, Jeff, you can do this! (remember we were all burnt out from finals and extremely hungover/tired from the bbq that lasted until the wee hours)
there's Tyler!
Bring in the Wizards!, I mean professors!
the last guy looks like dracula!
Sean's a little further down the row from me (alphabetical), and we're both rocking our honors cords
the Amazing Asst. Dean Williams reading our names as we crossed.
Jeff getting his wizard-hood!
Me! I was trying really hard to not cry, and I almost made it.
mimosa's after! how did they know?! ;)
Wizard hood!

I have the power of law!!
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