they took us to this party at this big convention hall with almost 300 people. this was our dancing group. there was beer and some socializing, then the band started up with the awa odori music and people started dancing on the stage and around the room. the music is very contagious. this was our "dance lesson"
the band standing around when they were getting us into proper lines of 5 before we hit the street to go to the first area.
jon (remember the drunk guy from last weekend?), don't remember her name (really nice though), brian, me, and ...don't remember!
a whole crowd was watching this group perform on this little barge as we walked across the bridge.
this is us getting ready to go through the first area, there were hundreds of people on either side to watch us dance down this section of road. it's pretty crazy.
some girls that i met at the party earlier. the one on the far right is an elementary teacher from hokkido (the cold island), all three of them spoke spanish, so we had fun drinking beer and speaking spanish together.
this is TEAM SANDWICH! this was my row of five. from left to right we have: bread, tomato, meat, mayo, and bread (me). we had a really good time together
this is right before we went in for the last area, i was tired, sweaty, sore, drunk, sunburnt, bug-bit, and de-hydrated but it was crazy fun! does this picture convey the energy?