hot mommas!! my little sis has the BEST hair! :P gifts for the lady!! your boobies is how big, cybil? hello, Mr. Bagpipes!!! and a little sugar for the drums, you gotta love the drums! (like the temporary tats?) cybil is every man's fantasy!
there's the view coming in from the plane! then we went to the visitors' center. group photo!! Mt. Moran
holy crap!!! it's a moose!
this is as close as my dad would let me get to touching it. :) this is the famous 399, a momma grizzly bear and her three two-year old cubs! they're a huge attraction at the park.
the dike shooting up the middle of mt. moran is so cool! and look! you can see at least two glaciers! time to go to the lake! and on to the ferry.
this nice lady took us to the trail up to inspiration point and cascade canyon.
here we are at the hidden falls.
up to inspiration point (it's very busy because it's labor day, which is the last busy day of the year at the park) do we look inspired?
then it's up to cascade canyon!! wow! hello, mr. butterfly!
nice marmut! horray, the first hike was fun!
we went down to jackson to do a little shopping. very cute but very tourist-y antelope!
bison! there's this whole grandfather clause thing at the park. in the 50s the government bought all the land but they said that the families could live there until the last surviving member who was alive at the time of the sale died, and then they would have to leave and the property turned over to the park. this is the barn of one of the abandoned places.
dark tower anyone? the next morning we headed up to yellowstone. old faithful! hmm... this looks interesting
it looks like a buffalo!! they've recommissioned the old tour buses, pretty neato
desolate! it's the yellowstone grand canyon!! badass!!
this is wed morning, on our way to the death canyon trailhead. can there be anything more breathtaking?
my dad called these bathtubs, because that's how big they are and you have to drive through/around them to get to the trailhead.
the entire hike was a race against incoming storms, but it made everthing very mystical. i think this looks like a grumpy old man with his chin sticking out.
this one is a profile of someone shouting.
here it is, the goal of the day!
whew! now it's time to get back down before the rain starts!
all done! then it was time for root beer floats with black george. :) what a cool guy.
mongo liked it when we came back and he got to come out of the rain. this is jackson lake lodge. up on signal point with mongo. this is called "the groomer" it smoothes out the snow in the winter time for the winter vehicles.
fri morning, up before the sun, we head out for the last big hike. indian paintbrush
grousse. (wild chicken?) mule deer! morning clouds had yet to burn off.
black bear cub! this is where the glacier sleeps, but it's been a dry summer, so it's gone for now.
after 4 and a half hours climbing, i'm ready to sit down for a little while! whew! all done! we were both super-duper tired.
and so was mongo, but all he did was sleep at the rv all day.