Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my birthday weekend! (caution: contains artfully depicted nudity)

welcome to the liberty memorial! also known as the WWI museum. please, come closer...
yes... no! no, go back! go back, i say!
ok, that's better. now i'm ready for it, come closer. i'm serious, it's ok... ...yes, that's much better. ok, let's start the picture tour, shall we?

ze papers!
anyone want to take a ride?
let's just take a moment here to remember: THEY WERE FIGHTING IN PAPER PLANES WITH WOODEN PERPELLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS CRAZY!

an american icon.
wonder what that movie was about?
uniform jackets.

the classic german leuger, as seen in countless movies.

i really liked the contrast in these two quotes.
good 'ole bone saw!
medicine pouch.
feild surgery kit.

amazing floors at the museum.
a german "ape" raping a french woman.
death rides a bloodied horse.
loyal order of moose?
shell casings turned into vases.
art of destruction.
rockin door handle.

this was apparently the only time all the commanders were together, to sit for this mural.
good bye, sphinx. goodbye,fallen, we won't forget.
eep, i guess the kemper has started posting guards!
warning, do not put your tongue on this exhibit.
it hasn't been dusted since it arrived. eew.
athena! the classical famale batman!
brass mirror with venus.
one of my favorite pieces at the nelson, the grumpy old roman. :) he's so cute!

joy division: love will tear us apart.

john the baptist.
john had dirty toes.
now that's what i call a Herakles!
sea centaurs?

can i have this one? it would look so nice in my living room!
it's the goddess of rainbows!
oh, hello. you look like a dick!
dashing gent, ain't he?
volcanoes are cool!
let me borrow that top!
i think he's intentionally flexing and she's not buying it.
in the buddhist temple exhibit.

sit! sit....sit boy, or i will hit you with this stick!!
close up of the city.

it looks like she has little pearls on her dress but when you get up close you can see that it's just smudges of white paint!
close up of the clouds from...
enlightened pony
looking down on people eating in the cafe.
african river god.
places where we shouldn't be...i love sneakin's
lecture pony!
brains is yummy!
just another face in the shuffle....
the front of the nelson at night.
victory pony!
the thinker? what's that doing in kansas?
bloch and trees
bring on sunday, my actual birthday!!
peace man. i mean, yeah. ;)
so tiny...please let me touch it...
umm...wow. i'm a total dork...
hehe. that's rad
hey, what-cha wearin' under there?
me with my mask and a dude in a kilt, who looks weirder? i bet it's me... (yes, i'm wearing the mask from the eagle day!)
the exhibit in the gallery
dragon close up super happy fun time!!
after this there was more drinking... and less camera.