Sunday, January 11, 2009


chainsaw loves to curl around my laptop where the heat comes out, and then warm his face under my desk lamp.

this is where i realized that trying to step backwards didn't work too well.
the snow-shoe path was lovely!
a bit of view
action brendo
action me
look at all the snow at school!
lovely sunset after sledding
i decided to dress up so i could wear my favorite hat to see some live music. i'm the queen of practical clothing, but for the few times i go out in the year, i like to dress over the top! :P

Thursday, January 01, 2009

from christmas through new years

i found chainsaw and velcro holding hands!
oh yeah, that's disturbingly cute!
hey, mongo! mongo says, "welcome to texas; pet me!"
to the beach on a foggy morning! this is a national park to save the natural beach ecosystem. it was founded in the Johnson administration.
deer tracks along the beach.

looking for sea shells
found one! yep, i've gone from 4ft of snow to a tank top!

here's a jellyfish and some shells i found.
another jellyfish!

argh! there be barnacles, matie!

palm trees everywhere!

the area around the beach is natural too.
what's this?
the visitor's center
on the ferry. "44 childs"?
delicious food was the name of the game that week!
champagne for christmas eve!
hey, daddy!
oil, water, and soap.
sunrise on the beach (still not clear skies!)
mongo thinks the beach is ok, but i don't think it's his favorite.
color in the sunrise.

downtown corpus christi!
to the texas state aquarium! tx is first in dealth penalty, bad education, and jackass-attitudes, let's see how there aquarium stands up... (actually it was "ok" but pretty sad that it's the state's aquarium, probably worth $10, but not the $17 they're charging)

ibis and spoonbills

the U.S.S. Lexington.

otter! always an adorable favorite.

a redundant inn motel.
trimmed mongo's nails, and dad got one too short. it looks like paint, not blood.

finally a sunny, clear day at the beach!

"i wish i was a headlight on a northbound train" a line from a GD song.


sea foam
just think, it was in bubbles like these where lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides were first mixed together to create life!!

happy toes
hehe, "sundries." i love finding old words on things!

for new years i walked to melissa's. this is a special moment where jules, the big one, is hugging the new kittie, lizzy.

spokane skyline from the maple st bridge.

the spokane river for new years. that top row of lights on the left side are in my neighborhood.